PhD program



The Institute of Biotechnology is engaged in basic molecular biological research with an emphasis on processes that impact human health. PhD students are part of international teams, working on interesting projects in state-of-the-art laboratories.

In collaboration with selected universities we offer PhD projects in the fields of Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology, Biomedicine, Biophysics and many others.

Who we are?

What we offer?

  • the opportunity to work on a dissertation, an integral part of which is publication in prestigious professional journals
  • full-time or part-time employment
  • the opportunity to apply for student grants at your home university
  • seminars, courses, workshops and many other events for PhD students

In addition, the PhD committee ( PHD_COMMITTEE@IBT.CAS.CZ) itself organises a number of informal activities.

How to apply?

Take a look at the activities of each laboratory, select the right one according to the topic and contact its leader directly.

The PhD committee is an organization established in 2023 and run by PhD students. The aim of the PhD committee is to promote a viable community of PhD students at IBT. The events organized by the PhD committee are not only informal social activities such as a pubquiz and a scavenger hunt in the streets of Prague, but also scientific events. The key event of the year is the IBT Students Day, where PhD students gather to discuss their scientific projects in the form of posters and talks. These gatherings serve as platforms for sharing your research accomplishments and failures, and exchanging ideas with other students while making connections that go beyond academic interests.

Aside organizing events, the committee is here for PhD students to reach out to with anything related to their PhD program. This can include suggestions from students, such as specific workshops and fun activities, or changes within IBT to make your life easier. The PhD committee is also here to help students with any PhD related problems and to accomplish this, the PhD committee works closely with one PI from IBT. All together, the committee is the link that connects PhD students with the IBT organization to help improve the PhD experience at IBT.

Reach out to the PhD committee at PHD_COMMITTEE@IBT.CAS.CZ to explore and share your love and hate relationship with your PhD.




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Thesis Supervisor University
Adámková Kristýna Structural and functional analysis of nucleases from S1-P1 family doc. Ing. Petra Lipovová, Ph.D. VŠCHT
Al ghadi Ahmad Yousef Mohammad Intercellular metabolic crosstalk in nucleotide metabolism: an emerging target Mgr. Kateřina Rohlenová, Ph.D. PřF UK
Miklovičová (Bálintová) Soňa The role of mitochondrial respiratory complex II in cancer prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Baran Sahra Setenay New methods of validation and refinement of biomolecular structures Ing. Jiří Černý, Ph.D. PřF UK
Barzegar Yarmohammadi Arash The role of lipid droplet in liver regeneration prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Boháčová Klára Role inhibice mitochondriálního metabolismu při eliminaci nádorových buněk RNDr. Soňa Štemberková-Hubáčková, Ph.D. PřF UK
Botsios Pangiotis Pyrimidine Nucleoside Acquisition in Cancer: Unraveling Adaptive Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Brisudová Petra Horizontal transfer of mitochondria in brain tumours prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Brožková Andrea Metabolic remodelling during liver regeneration prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Bryndová Barbora Molecular processes regulating gamete quality and fertilization in mammals RNDr. Pavla Postlerová, Ph.D. PřF UK
Dodoková Alica Regulatory roles of microtubule-associated ATP RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. PřF UK
Dostálová Dominika Heterogenita mikroglií u akutních a neurodegenerativních onemocnění centrálního nervového systému Ing. Lukáš Valihrach, Ph.D. PřF UK
Dujava Ždímalová Michaela

In vitro reconstitution of active chiral networks

RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. PřF UK
Fabríziová Valeria Molecular regulations in pancreas development and function RNDr. Gabriela Pavlínková, Ph.D. PřF UK
Gmiterková Lenka Molecular Mechanisms in Neuronal Diversity in the Auditory Pathway RNDr. Gabriela Pavlínková, Ph.D. PřF UK
Herynek Štěpán Optimization of recombinant protein production in E. coli expression system by genetic engineering methods prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc. PřF UK
Morávková (Hrabalová) Petra The role of HIFs in the development and function of the heart RNDr. Gabriela Pavlínková, Ph.D. PřF UK
Hrysiuk Maria SUCLG2 as a new tumor suppressor affecting mitochondrial metabolism prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Chatterjee Aditi Vibrational structural biology of “non-canonical” photoreceptors Gustavo Fuertes Vives PřF UK
Jakoubě Pavel Metabolic adaptations to loss of purine and pyrimidine de novo synthesis in cancer

Mgr. Kateřina Rohlenová, Ph.D.

Karhanová Adéla Regulation of tau envelope by post-translational modifications RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. PřF UK
Khuntsariya Daria Cytoskeletal mechanics of axonal pathfinding RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. PřF UK
Klassen Russlan Alexandrovič Analysis of gene transcription at single cell level Ing Lukáš Valihrach, Ph.D. VŠCHT
Laskowska Agnieszka Metabolic pathways of oxidative stress resistence in endothelial cells Mgr. Jakub Rohlena, Ph.D. PřF UK
Le Thi Dan Diem Relation of horizontal transfer of mitochondria and cancer therapy prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Lebrón Mora Laura Epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of the development of neurons in the auditory pathway RNDr. Gabriela Pavlínková, Ph.D. PřF UK
Lopes Oliveira Gabriela Role of the Miro Proteins in cell migration and metastasis prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. University of Coimbra, Portugal
Matúšová Zuzana Profilování genové exprese gliových buněk u neurodegenerativních onemocnění Ing. Lukáš Valihrach, Ph.D. PřF UK
Mierzwicka Joanna Maria Small binding proteins targeting immune checkpoint proteins as novel diagnostic and cancer prognostic tools RNDr. Petr Malý, CSc. PřF UK
Milisav Isidora Pyrimidine metabolism in tumor endothelium Mgr. Kateřina Rohlenová, Ph.D. PřF UK
Milošević Mirko Molecular consequences of respiratory chain deficiency in malignant and non-malignant settings Mgr. Jakub Rohlena, Ph.D. PřF UK
Nečasová Iva

Molecular mechanisms of association of a novel type of transposases with single-stranded DNA

prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc. PřF UK
Campbell (Nedvědová) Jana Structure-function studies of tubulin-modifying enzymes RNDr. Cyril Bařinka, Ph.D. PřF UK
Novák Jaromír Mechanism and monitoring of horizontal transfer of mitochondria prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Novotná Monika Targeting metabolic vulnerabilities in succinate dehydrogenase deficient cancers prof. Ing. Jiří Neužil, CSc. PřF UK
Ondrúšková Denisa

Regulation of microtubule-dependent processes by tubulin isotypes and post-translational modifications

RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. PřF UK
Pacior Pampín Yaiza Molecular mechanisms of Cancer Resistance: The Role of Mitochondria Mgr. Jaroslav Truksa, Ph.D. PřF UK
Podhájecký Roman Myosin-independent contractility of actin networks RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. PřF UK
Potomová Petra Nonconventional iron chelators as modulators of aminoacid metabolism in anti-cancer therapy Mgr. Jaroslav Truksa, Ph.D. PřF UK
Prakash Manjari Mitochondrial transport Dr. Marcus Braun PřF UK
Psotová Jana Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Resistance to Taxanes and Mitochondrially Targeted Drugs Mgr. Jaroslav Truksa, Ph.D. PřF UK
Sheokand Riya Cancer resistence: The role of lipids and ferroptosis Mgr. Jaroslav Truksa, Ph.D. PřF UK
Svoboda Jakub Experimentally and bioinformatically determined physico-chemical and structural properties of nucleic acids prof. Ing. Bohdan Schneider, CSc., DSc. PřF UK
Šanovec Ondřej Analýza parametrů testikulární tkáně a spermií u mužů s testikulárním tumorem zárodečných buněk doc. RNDr. Kateřina Komrsková, Ph.D. PřF UK
Šimková Kateřina Relokalizace biomolekul během časného vývoje ryb Mgr. Radek Šindelka, Ph.D. PřF UK
Volníková Margaréta Mechanistic insights into functions of tubulin tyrosine ligase-like 11 (TTLL-11) RNDr. Cyril Bařinka, Ph.D. PřF UK
Žucha Daniel Transcriptome analysis of acute injuries of the central nervous systém Mgr. Kolář Michal, Ph.D. VŠCHT